Reach Your Goals: Do You need A Marketing agency?

When you should and shouldn’t use a marketing agency to help you achieve your digital marketing goals can be hard to determine. We have come up with a few points of advice that should you to decide if a marketing agency would help you towards your business goals.

Every digital professional, including myself, is trying to pitch you their services. From social media management to SEO to PR, there are agencies out there that can focus on anything that you want them too. However, your starting point needs to happen internally.

  • What skills do you already have that you are not utilising?
  • Are some of your staff spending time doing tasks that won’t help you to reach your objectives?
  • Are some of your digital channels suffering from fatigue?
  • Are you losing web traffic to your competitors?

These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you engage with an agency for help. Once you figure out where time is being wasted you can start to clear a pathway towards success and visualise a better way to spend your marketing budget.

Individuals and organisations require the assistance of marketing agencies at different stages of their business journey. We will walk you through the skills that a digital agency can offer to different sized businesses.

Small Business or Start-up Stage

At this crucial stage you have an idea, you may have sold a product or service offline but you would like to test it in key target markets online. An agency is useful to have on side at this point as you can maximise exposure to such markets without investing in long-term staff. If you are piloting a product and looking for growth marketing assistance then sit down with us to get a growth digital proposal. You will save at least half the costs of hiring somebody into your team and you can get a clear picture of what marketing are working before you make any important hiring decisions in the future.

Small to Medium Sized Company

So now you have built up your business and your products are selling well. However, you are struggling to gather a team of qualified individuals for each marketing channel. You may have various departments in place to deal with customers and a small marketing team but due to the high level of growth it is difficult for them to keep up with their weekly tasks. An agency can be very useful to a small team by providing an extra level of support for a few key channels. Adwords, SEO, content marketing and PR are four areas where we are happy to help out and give your team an extra pair of hands and help them to achieve their goals.

Medium Sizes to Large Corporations

Often large companies will have teams of people to manage various marketing activities and channels. This is a great place to be as an organisation. You can get lots of insights from many professionals. The biggest benefit of bringing a digital marketing agency on board at this stage is to renew a sense of creativity, reinvigorate a tired team and to create a sense of urgency that may be lacking. In a large team you can often become clouded with company language and norms. With an outside perspective you may learn to think outside the box and more importantly refocus on the customer.

Before any long term investment in a marketing agency we would recommend signing up to a strategy and design workshop for your team. This would allow you to assess your needs in terms of the channels that you want to focus on and allow you to audit your current marketing activities to measure your performance against that of your competitors.
